Milk + Honey

You're the Maximalist!

Maria MengelComment

You’re the Maximalist, meaning you appreciate quality and quantity. You look to grab attention or have your attention grabbed. You adore direct action to achieve all your goals and reject compromise.

I’ve selected a few pieces for you to choose from, but the real fun is selecting the personalization of your piece.

Since you are the Maximalist, I would recommend looking at adding flakes in the opposite corners as well as birthstone beads to represent your entire family.

If you are looking for something a little different, take a  look at these other jewelry designs to choose from that will fit perfectly with your style from past Maximalist clients!

There are so many options, and I know it is difficult to decide with so many to choose from. It's my hope that with the quiz you’re able to better understand the ways Milk + Honey Jewelry can accompany your everyday style, and truly show off and embrace your breastfeeding journey! Ready to say yes to a piece? Head to our suggestions below:

Oval Ring

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