Milk + Honey

Micaela's Breastfeeding Story

Parenting, Breastfeeding Story, BreastfeedingMaria MengelComment

This week, our story comes from a sweet customer. It’s short and sweet, but still so beautiful!

breastfeeding after preeclampsia

I had a very complicated and high risk pregnancy following a diagnosis of endometriosis, PCOS, fertility struggles and a previous miscarriage. At 34 weeks I was diagnosed with preeclampsia, and at 36 weeks on the dot my condition became severe and our beautiful girl entered the world after my blood pressure skyrocketed to stroke levels and my body went into preterm labor. She came out quickly with some breathing difficulties and required some time in the NICU. As she had significant jaundice and was preemie, we were mostly feeding with formula until my milk came in, but I was able to pump colostrum for her to wet her lips with while I recovered from birth. Since she was so little, her mouth was having a hard time grasping a solid latch, but we worked on it slowly with every feed, up every 2 hours, and with plenty of grace shared between the two of us as we learned and worked together. Our journey into breastfeeding was paced out and never painful or overwhelming, we took our time and learned together and have since created a bond that was built on those early moments together. Just her and I, in the light of the moon while the world slept, just me and my girl.

breastfeeding after preeclampsia

Now she is 21 months old and we’re still going strong breastfeeding! She will be our only baby, so I am eternally grateful for this beautiful symbol to represent our time together.

breastfeeding after preeclampsia

I ordered a ring to represent my biggest accomplishment in my life, my daughter. Also fun fact, her name is Maisie, which means pearl, so pearl shimmer to her milk is the perfect addition!

Thanks for sharing Micaela!

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