Milk + Honey

Happy Mother's Day 2022

Maria Mengel2 Comments
milk and honey

Happy Mother’s Day

This year, we wanted to do a special Mother’s Day blog post. We asked Terri’s husband, Jason, if he would mind writing something that we could share for all the moms who follow our blog. Jason is a pastor, and jokingly said “Can it be from “Pastor Jason”? We said yes! While this may not be your typical “Mother’s Day” blog post, we hope you find some encouragement from it.

Around this time every year, during the Resurrection season, I have a tradition of reading through the story of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection in the 4 gospels. This year something new stuck out to me as I read through John’s gospel in chapter 19:25-27. We see a beautiful picture of our Christ’s love for his mother. In the last moments of Jesus’ mortal life, in the midst of the worst suffering any human being has ever endured, the Messiah's thoughts were on His mother. I haven't been able to get this thought out of my mind; as the savior struggled for each and every breath, his concern was that His mother would be cared for when he was gone from this earth. His desire was that in her moment of extreme emotional suffering she would know he cared for her. God himself had a human mother—the creator of the universe was fed from the body of an earthly woman. He was comforted by her, she bathed him, made his clothes, taught him to walk! Mary taught the One who formed the earth how to stand up! She loved him, cared for him, and He deeply loved her, to the point that at this moment, as He drank the cup of God's wrath, bearing all the sins of the world, and the flesh of his body is torn and disfigured beyond any other man before or since… in that moment He stops to comfort his Mom. Jesus cherishes Mothers.

  Scripture shows that Jesus gave his disciple John the responsibility to care for his mother, and tradition states that Jesus’ mother lived with John as his mother until her death. I've been in ministry for almost 15 years and I am still amazed at how deeply God cares for us and our most simple earthly needs. He made sure his mother would be taken care of to the end of her life and he wants to take care of you too.

There is more pressure on mothers today than ever before. Everywhere women turn today they are inundated with all the things they should “be”. From TV shows, movies, magazines, social media, every source you turn to has their own list of everything you should be and should be doing. You should look like this, dress like this, do your makeup like this, cook this food for your kids, plan these kinds of outings, take your kids to these events, no sugar, gluten free, organic only, “Do you have a meal plan for the month?”; “but wait there's more”! And on and on the list grows; an always rising bar of perfection no one could ever hope to reach. All are doomed who strive for it. 

I've been blessed to spend my life with two amazing women of God. My mom and my wife are both shining examples of steadfast love, selfless service, kindness, mercy and grace. Yet somehow loving children, managing households, balancing budgets, and still never feeling “good enough”. This is the deadly secret:

The standard of this world is “never good enough”.

It's a bottomless pit, an unquenchable fire. Follow all the rules, jump through all the hoops… and it won't matter, they'll just change. The burden of inadequacy I saw my mom struggle under is the same one wife battles today. We call it her imaginary rules. It's the invisible list of rules that judges her every move and it's my ardent hope that it's burned to the ground forever.       

Jesus said his “burden is easy and his yoke is light”. Unlike this world, his standard brings life, not discouragement. In the same way Jesus made sure his earthly mother was cared for, it's His desire that each one of you is cared for and loved. It is in Christ that you will find wholeness and are set free from chasing the fickle, unattainable standards of this world. I believe this Mothers Day, that is the greatest gift you can be given -  to know you have a savior who loves and cares for you. He will carry you through life's darkest day. He will comfort you in life's hardships. He will give you the strength to stand. He will give you the wisdom you need for the day. And most of all, His grace will cover all the moments you fall down. I pray this Mother’s Day that each one of you will stand tall, free from all these worldly “imaginary rules” and fictional standards. That you could look in the mirror,  smile and feel content in knowing the Creator of the universe stopped to care for his mother and everyday, He longs to care for you.

Pastor Jason Goslee

We hope this blog post brings you comfort and encouragement as you face the many challenges motherhood brings. Happy Mother’s Day!

We would also like to honor the mothers here at Milk+Honey! We are thankful to our mothers and grateful for our children who made us mothers ourselves!

Meghan with her two girls.

Maria with her three girls.

Stacy and her mother.

Stacy’s mom.

Ashley and her daughter and son.

Ashley with her mom, daughter, and sister.

Alaina with her kids - three daughters and one son.

Terri with her husband and their three kids.