Milk + Honey

Shannon's Breastfeeding Story

Maria MengelComment

While some women dream of the day they can breastfeed their baby, many women don’t think much about breastfeeding until after their baby is born or sometimes, even years later! For Shannon, the later was the case with her first child, but by her third, she fell into the first category!

My name is Shannon. I am a wife and mother of 3. When I was young and in college, I got pregnant with my first daughter. I had no idea what breastfeeding was or even how to do it so I didn’t. I formula fed her. I struggled with bad postpartum depression and felt such guilt that I couldn’t. 

Fast forward a few years and I got pregnant again with my son. I had him on a weekend. There was no lactation consultant on call on a Sunday they said and I was discharged the next morning because I had no complications and my baby was healthy. I tried breast feeding and looking back- he had the worst latch and I had no idea what I was doing so I didn’t continue and we formula fed.

 Now, 8 years after my son was born, my husband and I decided we wanted another baby, a “tie breaker” to complete our family. We longed, wished, and prayed for this baby. We get pregnant and feel complete joy. I followed every breastfeeding friendly page I could find when I found out, including Milk and Honey! When I birthed my daughter in May 2021 I labored at home as long as I could. When I got to the hospital she was born 3 minutes later and was almost born in the car. I felt like a rockstar, and immediately she was placed on my chest and took to the breast like a dream. I remember crying and telling my husband this was all I ever dreamed.

breastfeeding through postpartum depression
breastfeeding through postpartum depression

Breastfeeding came so easy and natural with her! A lactation consultant visited me in the hospital and provided me with information and guidance to set us on our breastfeeding journey. It hasn’t always been easy. My daughter has never ever taken a bottle and I’ve tried so many different types! It can be frustrating to my husband who has wanted so badly to help with feeding but has been so supportive in so many different ways. This also means that I have never been able to leave my baby longer than a few hours at most. She is attached to me and although people tell me it must stink- hands down I have never experienced a better feeling.  I have developed mastitis and am currently fighting another breast infection right now that is so painful but anytime she looks up at me I know all is right in the world. Our bond is so strong from nursing and I hope we always stay connected like this. I know I am her comfort and safe place. Every nursing session I soak it in because I know one day I’ll look back and miss these moments. My world has been forever changed and I feel like the luckiest mom in the world to have experienced this feeling.

What do you think about Shannon’s story? We love that she was able to nurse her most recent baby and she was able to do what she had dreamed of! Way to go Shannon!

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