Milk + Honey

Put a Little Breastmilk On It: More Random Uses for Your Breastmilk

Maria MengelComment

This article was written Alaina Leimbach, Certified Lactation Counselor, and team member of Milk + Honey! It is a sequel to Part I, which we published last week, all about the Healing Powers of Breastmilk.

If you’re a breastfeeding mama you’ve likely seen the meme or heard the saying “but have you tried putting breastmilk on it?!” Chances are you probably HAVE tried to use breastmilk for different things. There are lots of theories out there about using breastmilk for different ailments, some of which we discuss here, but what about the other uses for it? Some may sound intriguing, others may sound…well, less intriguing. 

As breastfeeding mamas there may be times we have an influx of milk or milk that shouldn’t be fed to our babies. It could be that your baby has weaned and you’re left with some in the freezer. Or you left a bottle on the counter, got distracted, and now have no idea how long it’s been there. Daycare sent you home with a partially drank bottle and you have no idea how many times it’s been warmed or how long it has sat. You know all the different scenarios mamas face when it comes to breastmilk laying around and no matter the circumstance, it is ALWAYS painful to dump it. So, repurpose it! (Queue all the reduce, reuse, recycle songs ingrained in our brains.)

*Please note- while you may be intrigued by some of these suggestions, please don’t seek out another’s breastmilk for these purposes*

uses for breastmilk

  • COOK with it!! I’m not suggesting we begin substituting our breastmilk into our favorite holiday dinner recipes, but it does play an excellent role in recipes for Baby Led Weaning. Add it to pancakes, oats, popsicles, smoothies. Or you can make butter, yogurt, and pudding. Yes, there are recipes out there for these things. I mean, why not? The list goes on for table foods, but you can also use it if you’ve chosen to make purees. For anything needing to be thinned out some more, substitute in breastmilk. 

  • SOAP- The high fat content in breastmilk helps to create a rich, creamy soap and the sugars aid in creating a perfect lather. It’s unknown if the antibodies and enzymes of the breastmilk stick around after the soap making process, but you will still have the benefits of no added allergens as in commercial products. Breastmilk soap can help ease dry, itchy skin and potentially help treat any skin ailments.  We found this kit for making your own breastmilk soap at home.

  • LOTION- Similar to breastmilk soap, creating a lotion with breastmilk can help aid in skin ailments such as eczema, or just help nourish any dry skin. Again, with creating a lotion with your breastmilk you will have no added allergens or chemicals that you would find in commercial products.  Here’s a recipe we found online.

  • BATHS- We’ve all heard of oatmeal baths, and if you are of my generation you remember fondly the horrid smell of soaking in oatmeal baths with chicken pox. (Listen, I know this ages me, but I can’t be alone.) Breastmilk in a bath has similar healing and soothing properties as the oatmeal, and similar benefits of breastmilk soap and lotion. Simply add your desired amount to the filled tub to create a cloudy appearance. The components in breastmilk can help clear baby acne, eczema, diaper rash, cuts/scrapes, insect bites.

  • GARDENING- Yep, get out there and milk your plants. The components and nutrients found in breastmilk may have a positive effect on the composition of your plant’s soil. Perhaps this is the secret weapon to get that green thumb?!

  • EXFOLIANT- No, I didn’t make this one up either. There are several recipes out there to make your own exfoliant using breastmilk. We’ve all probably used a sugar scrub, so why not make your own. It can be used for face or body. Adding the breastmilk can help soothe irritated skin and make your skin feel softer and more supple. 

  • FACIAL MASK- Did you know there are spas offering breastmilk facials??? Did you also know that some are also touting breastmilk as the “new botox?” As busy moms we probably aren’t going to find the time to seek out and actually go to one of these places. Also, I’m not sure how I feel about someone else’s breastmilk all over my face. I handle other people’s milk several days a week, but we have to draw the line somewhere right? I think this one would best be left as a DIY, but if you need an excuse to get away to a luxurious spa then go for it!

  • JEWELRY- You didn’t think you’d get through this blog without mention of jewelry right?! As long as your breastmilk isn’t moldy, something beautiful can be created with it. Breastfeeding is hard work and incredibly time consuming. While you may long for the days when it’s over, you will probably also feel a twinge of sadness. Commemorate and honor your hard work and the journey with keepsake jewelry.  Let us know if you need a recommendation for a good company ;-)

I am certain there are many, many more uses out there for breastmilk. So what suggestions are you going to try? Have you tried something NOT on the list? Which ones are a hard pass?