Milk + Honey

tongue ties

Alyssa's Breastfeeding Story

Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Story, Extended Breastfeeding, ParentingMaria Mengel1 Comment

This breastfeeding story comes from Alyssa. Alyssa had two different journeys breastfeeding her sons and learned some valuable life lessons!

When our first son was born, it was my goal to breastfeed for 6 months. I was certain I wouldn’t want to go beyond that and would happily relinquish feeding duty to his dad at that time. Well, I breastfed our first son until he was 17 months old. Aside from the usual aches, pains, and learning curves, it was a pretty easy journey. He latched right away, my milk came in right on time, and before I knew it I could feed him while simultaneously folding laundry or cooking dinner. Despite intermittently feeling like a human pacifier, I really enjoyed our breastfeeding journey and was all sorts of emotional when my son decided he was done out of the blue one day. I had been a slight over-supplier so I was able to donate about 80 ounces I had left over to a baby that had been adopted. The whole journey felt so great, I would dare say perfect, so when I got pregnant with our second baby I expected the same thing. 

Insert sarcastic laughter here.*

breastfeeding and oversupply

Our second son came into this world thinking everything would be given to him with minimal effort on his part. He had a lazy latch, he lost nearly 10% of his body weight by 3 days old, his bilirubin was borderline, and my milk trickled in slowly which resulted in us nearly having to supplement with formula. Gasp! Supplementing was absolutely not an option in my mind at the time so I shoved my toddler over to my husband and breastfed nearly 24/7 for the next 2 days in an attempt to fix everything. Which I did. I was thrilled when our son’s weight surpassed his birth weight and his bilirubin levels returned to normal within a week of delivery. I thought the worst was behind us until a white-coated tongue reared its ugly head and our sweet babe was diagnosed with thrush. For 5 weeks, I gave him oral nystatin 4 times per day and applied clotrimazole cream to my nipples after every single feed. I sterilized all of my pump equipment and washed everything that came in touch with my breastmilk on a daily basis. I remember thinking to myself that I’d rather have mastitis because it’d be easier to treat. So when the aching and redness started, I laughed and cursed at myself. Our little guy had a tongue tie, so we had that revised and I finished antibiotics and was back to normal for a few days. And then the body aches and redness came back with a vengeance. 

breastfeeding and oversupply

Since his birth 5 months ago, I have had 7 bouts of mastitis resulting in multiple antibiotics, 2 mammograms, decreased milk supply, and the seemingly dreaded necessity to supplement with formula. This decision came with so much anxiety, feelings of guilt, and lots of tears. I felt like a failure. I spend portions of my day working in healthcare telling moms that “fed is best”, but I couldn’t accept that myself. My loving, supportive, encouraging husband assured me that I was doing such a great job; that supplementing was not a sign of failure. I have successfully built my supply back up since this most recent bout of mastitis but we continue to supplement because our son seems to be a bottomless pit. I am so glad I continue to provide for him, but I am also happy that my husband can tag in and give him a bottle from time to time so that I can spend more time with our toddler or get a stretch of sleep once in a blue moon. 

breastfeeding and oversupply
breastfeeding and oversupply

This breastfeeding journey has been nothing compared to my first. It has come with different forms of growth, a different appreciation for the challenges that cause mothers to quit breastfeeding, a deeper sense of satisfaction in overcoming obstacle after obstacle, and letting go of the plans I made and going with the flow instead. At the end of the day, I am just as proud of this journey as I am of my first, even if I am unable to breastfeed as long as I did previously. By sharing my story, it is my hope that any woman who reads it feels accomplished no matter what her story is. Though each story is unique, every woman should feel proud of bringing a life into the world and making the often tough decisions necessary to ensure her child is happy and healthy. Because we may not be perfect, but we are exactly what our children need. And sometimes we forget how incredibly amazing we are.

What do you think about Alyssa’s story? We think she is amazing! Thanks for sharing Alyssa!

Did you face the possibility of supplementing or formula feeding your baby due to issues with breastfeeding? How did you work through that decision? Let us know in the comments below!

Would you like to share your breastfeeding story on our blog? Submit it here!

Carly's Breastfeeding Story and Some Nursing Tips for New Moms

Breastfeeding Story, Breastfeeding, ParentingMaria MengelComment

Our story this week comes from Carly. After nursing two babies, she’s found some tricks and good advice for new nursing moms - whether it’s your first and last!

Both my breastfeeding journeys had similarities and differences, but my key takeaways were that neither was “easy” and both were so worth it. My first daughter was born in 2016 weighing 5 lbs. 10 oz. and consistently gained weight and latched, but I had incredible pain for weeks. 
Even after a lip tie revision and multiple lactation appointments to work on her latch, I had bad bruising and pain until she was about eight weeks old and finally opened her mouth wide enough for nursing to not be painful. Although I cried (with her) through many middle of the night feedings, I’m so glad I stuck with it. Unfortunately I was an ounce obsessed pumper once I went back to work, and while I was able to meet my goal of breastfeeding without supplementing the entire first year, it definitely came at a cost. 

breastfeeding tips for new moms

I pumped multiple times a day, adding in extra pumps before work and before bed (all while nursing overnight) to keep our freezer stash going, and when it ultimately began to dwindle at 10-11 months I did panic a bit. The fears were unfounded and she actually had frozen breast milk until she was 15 months, and nursed until 19 months after many months of me trying to wean due to the fact that she was an “acrobatic nurser.” 

I know that without additional lactation support and education early on, we wouldn’t have made it through those early weeks, and with my understanding of the road blocks during breastfeeding I was sure my second baby would be easier. 


And not only was it not easier, the challenges were totally different. Spoiler. It didn’t hurt less. It did hurt for less time. What was most upsetting about my experience with our second daughter was that even though I in theory knew what to look for, we had an undiagnosed tier three tongue tie (and lip tie) until eight months. 

breastfeeding tips for new moms

She was an avid nurser from the beginning and I was in way less pain after about two weeks, so I thought things were going really well. When I started having pain again at four weeks, I all but assumed this would be how it was forever. At every doctor’s appointment I brought up the fact that she choked while eating and almost sounded like she was aspirating at feedings. Since she was gaining weight the doctor (and lactation consultant (LC) at the pediatrician) assured me that she was fine. 

Fast forward to our four month appointment and she wasn’t transferring more than 2 oz during a morning feeding, and the LC at the ped called her a “slow gainer” because she dropped from the 55% down into the 42%. She maintained her growth percentile in the 40s and 50s throughout her first year, but that comment really shook me. I started taking fish oil and pumped once a day even though I stayed home with her for almost a year. 

When we went to introduce solids at six months she had an FPIES (Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome) reaction that led me down a huge rabbit hole of food allergies and how to introduce solids when your little one has an allergic reaction. That said, she’d never had formula or any dairy, which was a big potential FPIES trigger.

In the midst of this diagnosis, she started refusing to nurse more than 3-4 minutes at a time during the day, while nursing 3x overnight. I was exhausted and panicked at the thought my supply would tank since she wasn’t nursing during the day, and I didn’t even know if she could safely drink formula due to the potential allergy. 

I also noticed that when we were giving solids she seemed unable to swallow well, and was having trouble keeping the food in her mouth. Our oldest never had this problem and I wondered if she hadn’t lost the “tongue thrust reflex” that keeps babies from choking. 

As all this was happening at the same time, I finally found a lactation consultant who was willing to help. We were in the midst of early COVID and she couldn’t see me in person since we’d left the hospital, but she recommended a pediatric dentist, a craniosacral therapist, and a private LC I could also visit. 

With many appointments in hand, I was pumping multiple times a day to keep my supply up, nursing all night, and trying to keep my sanity with a four-year-old in pre-K and COVID running rampant. I found out my daughter had a tier three tongue tie that probably contributed to her choking on milk in the early days, and may be impacting her ability to swallow solids. We got both her tongue and lip released at eight months and did the exercises every three hours to keep it from sealing back together. 

At this point I’d also seen another LC (and she still wasn’t transferring more than 2 oz during her morning nurse) but she told me she felt strongly that our daughter was thriving and that she was doing OK – and as long as she kept nursing I could stop pumping during the day. We finally tried another round of sleep training at nine months because I couldn’t handle the 3x/night wake ups with no nursing during the day, and wanted to get to a more “normal” feeding and sleep schedule. After a couple of weeks we got to a much better place. 

We also started seeing an allergist and nutritionist virtually through the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) FPIES clinic, and had a plan to tackle solid introduction. I also relaxed a little once she had yogurt and could in theory tolerate dairy. At this point I had over 1,000 oz. of breastmilk in the freezer because I’d pumped daily without giving extra bottles. 

During the time of her FPIES reaction and nursing strike during the day, we switched pediatricians. I called the LC (who was also a nurse) on staff at our old pediatrician and she told me not to worry about the FPIES reaction and that we’d talk about it at her nine month appointment, but to stop giving rice, which was her trigger food – (duh). She also told me during the nursing strike that our daughter was self weaning, and that I should introduce cups instead of the breast. My daughter was also refusing cups, which made my anxiety worse. The combination of the bad advice in her first few months, a dismissal of the FPIES, and her thoughts that we were weaning at seven months made it too hard for me to stay, and so we found a new pediatrician. 

breastfeeding tips for new moms

I’m so passionate about the fact that most moms aren’t given enough information to get off to a fast start on their nursing journeys, I put together a free breastfeeding quick start guide that helps you with everything you need to know to begin nursing a baby. It’s filled with all the information I wish I’d known the first time around. It breaks my heart that so many women feel like they have to give up on their breastfeeding goals simply because they don't have the information or tools to help. 

As I look back, the one thing I want other moms to know is that they should trust their gut. I knew something was wrong with her feeding as an infant, and although we didn’t get it fixed until much later, I did push to speak to three lactation consultants and the pediatrician the first month of COVID when everything was locked down. 

I didn’t believe that the FPIES reaction was “nothing” and that we should just go about our day. I found another doctor who took me seriously and was able to diagnose what was going on. We were lucky to catch it so early and come up with a plan. 

After she went on her nursing strike, I didn’t take it at face value that she was weaning. I went in search of other information and found help. I finally figured out that her tongue tie combined with the distractibility of a seven-month-old could have just made it too “hard” for her to nurse during the day. We got answers, and I’m happy to say she’s still nursing at 21 months. 

We recently left our daughters for the first time in two years (and the first time ever for our youngest) and I was so sad to think that she may not want to nurse when we came home. I know that our time is coming to an end soon, but I’ll always look back on this time with my babies as some of the best in my life. After 40+ months of nursing two daughters, it’s been a long road, but one that I wouldn’t trade for anything. 

I’m so glad we made it through. And I’m so grateful that we had the help to keep going.

What do you think about Carly’s story? We think she did an amazing job of fighting for her babies! Thanks for sharing Carly!
Would you like to share your breastfeeding story on our blog? Submit it here!

How Clare Found the Encouragement to Keep Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Story, ParentingMaria MengelComment

Our story this week comes from Clare. She shares about her two different experiences with breastfeeding and how she found the encouragement needed to keep on breastfeeding her second child.

Before having children, I remember once seeing a woman nonchalantly breastfeeding a baby in a shopping center while she browsed the aisles. This image has always stuck with me as an example of how easy and effortless breastfeeding CAN be. I later came to realize that it rarely ever is, at least not at the beginning. 

Breastfeeding through Encouragement

I have two boys who are two and a half, and three months. With my first baby, Ronnie, I had quite a quick delivery and was in shock for a few minutes after he was born. When I came to and tried to breastfeed, he struggled to latch on and I ended up hand expressing colostrum into his mouth for the first day. We were discharged from hospital after 24 hours expecting a midwife visit the next day. Unfortunately, due to a mix up the midwife didn’t come until day three, by which time Ronnie still hadn’t managed a good latch. During that visit the midwife managed to help him latch on and he had a really good feed in the side-lying position. I felt hopeful that this would work. However after she left I couldn’t replicate the latch, and by the next midwife visit on day four Ronnie was quite jaundiced, dry skinned and had lost more than 10% of his birth weight. The midwife was unable to help him latch-on this time, so my husband ran to the shop and bought some ready-to-feed bottles of formula which he guzzled down hungrily. I had to go back to hospital because my blood pressure was extremely high. On the way there we phoned my sister-in-law and asked her to buy a sterilizer, pump and bottles. I learned how to use them in hospital and was discharged again later that day on some medication for my blood pressure.

Various people tried to help me with the breastfeeding after that, but it seemed like Ronnie loved the bottle and nothing else! We discovered he had a slight tongue tie but the procedure to cut it made no difference to his feeding. For the first few weeks and months I would often try and breastfeed without success. Once in a while he seemed to latch-on correctly, but most of the time he would scream and cry and thrash around at the nipple. An extremely unpleasant experience for both of us! I expressed milk about six to eight times a day and topped up anything else he needed with formula until four months when we switched to all formula. 

I remember lots of times feeling really disappointed that the breastfeeding hadn’t worked out. Although I could see the benefits of bottle feeding, I found regularly expressing milk was time consuming and inconvenient, and I felt like a failure. I beat myself up with thoughts that if we lived in times before formula and pumps he would have starved to death (the concept of a wet nurse didn’t console me)! The rational part of my brain knew it was perfectly fine not to breastfeed, but I couldn’t help feeling guilty and ashamed. I sought a lot of help and received endless suggestions for new ways to help him latch. I felt like I couldn’t give up, but deep down I wished someone would just tell me definitively, ‘it’s not working, it’s not your fault, and nothing you do now will help him breastfeed’. On reflection, I know it was unreasonable to expect someone else to tell me this. The decision had to come from me. The last straw was a lactation consultant who recommended some tongue exercises for Ronnie. I just knew that trying to get a baby to exercise his tongue was something I could not find time or motivation to do. Looking back I do not regret the time I spent expressing milk for Ronnie but I do regret all the time I spent feeling upset and guilty about not breastfeeding. Time that would have been better spent enjoying my baby! 

Breastfeeding through Encouragement

Following my experience with Ronnie, I made a pact with myself that if my second baby found it difficult to breastfeed, I would straight away give formula. I knew that balancing a toddler and baby alongside regular expressing was not going to work for me.

After a really smooth (dare I say, relaxed!) birth, I had skin to skin contact with my second boy, Frank, straight away and the midwife helped him latch on very quickly. It immediately felt like it was working but I didn’t want to get my hopes up too much as I knew things can change quickly in the first few days. In the hospital I kept asking midwives to check his latch and they kept telling me it looked fine. We went home after 24 hours, and when the milk came in on days two and three, things got a lot more difficult. I was very engorged and suddenly it felt harder for him to latch on, as well as painful. The pain got worse and worse, and my nipples were extremely sore and cracked. At that point we called the community midwife in despair and she agreed to see me on the same day to give advice. All the midwives I came across this time gave both practical advice and emotional support, and were much more pragmatic than advisors I’d come across with Ronnie. They made it clear to me that I should not feel obligated to continue to breastfeed if I didn’t want to. I knew that Frank was getting enough milk from breastfeeding because of his weight, but one midwife said ‘it has to work for both of you, not just him.’ I felt so grateful to her for taking my well-being into account and not just pushing a pro-breastfeeding agenda. 

Breastfeeding through Encouragement

The support I received helped me to keep going, alongside lots of pain killers and nipple cream. There were some very difficult days where the pain was almost too much to bear and I would dread every feed. After two weeks, even though I’d told myself I didn’t want to express milk this time, I felt that giving some bottles of expressed milk would give me a rest and help my nipples to heal while maintaining my milk supply. So I started giving him about 50% bottles and 50% breast. I felt at an advantage having sought so much advice with my first baby because I knew lots of different methods and positions to try, and eventually the pain started to decrease. Finally, one Saturday after I’d had a nap, I woke up to see the cracks had started to heal. This gave me encouragement to continue. After six weeks I could say my nipples had fully healed and it was no longer painful to feed. I was so pleased I persisted because I now love breastfeeding and the opportunities it gives me to cuddle and bond with Frank. I still can’t multitask as smoothly as the woman I saw in the shopping center, but I can just about breastfeed while eating chocolate and watching Netflix, which is good enough for me!

Breastfeeding through Encouragement

What do you think about Clare’s story? We love how she ! Thanks for sharing Clare!

Would you like to share your breastfeeding story our blog? Submit it here!

How Kaitlin Became An Exclusive Pumping Mom

Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Story, ParentingMaria MengelComment

Our story this week comes from Kaitlin. Kaitlin struggled with many of the concerns, fears, and obstacles we all do as nursing moms, and in the end, discovered what worked best for her and her baby girl!

As a little girl, I placed baby dolls on my flat chest, pretending I was nursing.  My mother nursed me until sometime after my second birthday. There was no doubt in my mind that someday when I had a baby, I would nurse her as well.  When I was pregnant with my May 2020 baby I did all the reading. I signed up for the class, which was scheduled in April of that year and ultimately cancelled due to COVID.  I had some friends who had babies over that past year who had tried to nurse and had some challenges resulting in them quickly turning to formula. I had a lot of respect for these moms and was nervous I wouldn't succeed in my goal either. I mentioned my fears in passing to one of the nurses at my OBGYN’s office. She told me that it was “the most natural thing in the world, and if they failed at it, it’s because they never really wanted to do it in the first place”.  I didn’t agree that my friends didn’t try hard enough per say...but if the nurse wasn’t concerned, why should I be?

Exclusive Pumping

And then my baby girl was born. She was beautiful and wonderful and latched right away. Not perfectly, but the nurses helped and got her to fix it time and time again.  But by 24 hours later my nipples were raw, scabbed and bleeding. She would latch and I would cry from the pain. Which is saying something considering the shape my vagina was in.  The night nurse came in and saw my struggles and said “have you considered formula?” I started sobbing even harder because I heard “why don’t you just feed formula instead of breastmilk?” Ultimately I let her have a couple of ounces until I could see the lactation consultant again when she came in the morning. I saw her three times in the hospital and ultimately they gave me a pump and suggested that I pump when I go home for just a couple of days so my nipples could heal.  

I got home two days postpartum and had to figure out this breastpump I hadn’t studied...because I wasn’t supposed to need it yet.  I hadn't been planning on dealing with it until I was nearing my return to work. But in light of the circumstances I quickly became acquainted with the machine and we bottle fed breast milk for days 2-8 of Ophelia’s life until I was healed and I got in to see a local lactation consultant. She was wonderful and dosed me with a bunch of hope and a nipple shield. We were back at it! A baby and her boob. 

The next week we had some struggles and lots of mess with the nipple shield (if you know, you know) but we continued to nurse with it and did gradually wean.  I was delighted that my baby was nursing, just as intended.  The thing is though, we weren’t doing a great job.  Many feedings were a struggle. Sometimes she popped on and off. Often she was overwhelmed by a forceful let down, causing her to choke and cry.  She nursed a lot. I chalked it up to cluster feeding, but several weeks in after the baby tracking app showed me she had been on the breast once an hour for 21 consecutive hours...I knew things really weren’t right.  I had read about ties but I had asked one of the many pediatricians we were shuffled amongst due to COVID and she said “she doesn’t have a tongue tie since she can stick her tongue out past her lips”.  I had let the idea go for a while but I was paying more attention now, I noticed the “clicking” and even to my untrained eye, I could spot at least what appeared to be a lip tie

At 8 weeks old we saw a pediatric dentist. Ophelia was diagnosed with “extremely restrictive” lip and tongue ties. The dentist showed me how when she pulled up her top lip it didn’t stretch very far, when in fact it should have been able to come up and cover her nostrils.  She pulled her tongue up and showed me how it couldn’t reach the roof of her mouth.  Weeks of mother’s intuition overshadowed by undereducated doctors proved correct.  We had the procedure done to release the ties with a laser.  It was quick and we tried to nurse right away after.  She struggled, as had become the norm, but I was hopeful it would just take time to learn how her new mouth functioned.  We went home, lubed my finger with coconut oil and did the prescribed stretches every few hours, including overnight, to keep the new open wounds from closing.  

Exclusive Pumping

Two more weeks passed without improvement.  She eventually started refusing the breast almost entirely and we wound up doing more pumping and bottle feeding.  Things weren’t better and I didn’t know why. My heart was breaking and my last day of maternity leave at 11 weeks 6 days, we made one last trek to the pediatric dentist to see if perhaps the ties had reformed.  They hadn’t. In fact, they were healed beautifully. My girl was telling me what I hadn’t been open to hearing. Nursing wasn’t for us. Nursing caused us tears, frustration and stress that neither of us needed. We were just surviving, not thriving. I can say now, that I was stubborn. I was selfish and unwilling to settle soon enough for what my baby really needed. The breast was just too difficult for her to master.  

We are eight months postpartum now.  Five months of exclusively pumping, and it has been the best choice I wish I would have made sooner.  My supply has consistently exceeded what she drinks, allowing me to build a current freezer stash of over 1300 ounces.  I went from 6 pumps per day including an overnight one, to 5 shortly after my return to work, and down to 4 pumps per day at 5 months postpartum.  I am prepared to start dropping pumps at 11 months postpartum in order to start weaning as I will have more than enough to get her to a year with the help of frozen milk.

Exclusively pumping is not easy.  Over these months I have spent between two and four hours each day setting up the pump, removing the milk, cleaning up, bottling, bagging and washing parts. I learned the pitcher method and started using a dedicated milk freezer.  I purchased an additional pump for portability as well as the collection cups which unfortunately didn’t work for me. Amazon got my business for extra flanges, duckbills and storage bottles. I’ve worked through clogs including one monster one caused by a bleb that nearly caused me to quit.  I’ve pumped in the car, at work, in a camper, around the fire, at the homes of friends and family.  I could not have done all of this without the full support of an amazing partner, to whom I am extremely grateful. 

When I was pregnant I could have never imagined our breastfeeding journey would lead where it has.  I had no idea that one could exclusively pump and bottle feed.  I’m not sure that if I had, anyone would have convinced me to try it.  But out of desperation, need and love for my child, I continue to hook up every day and do what has become second nature.  My baby is chunky, happy and doesn’t even have a concept of what boobs are for anymore.  She is perfect, even if our path here hasn’t been. 

Exclusive Pumping

-A grateful and humbled pumpalicious mama

Check out more from Kaitlin on her Instagram sight - The Fairy Pumpmother

What do you think about Kaitlin’s story? We think she’s done an amazing job of figuring out what works best for her and her baby! Thanks for sharing Kaitlin!

Would you like to share your breastfeeding story our blog? Submit it here!

Overcoming Tongue, Lip, and Buccal Ties in Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Story, Breastfeeding, ParentingMaria MengelComment

Our story this week comes from Courtney! Courtney has nursed four babies and faced some pretty touch complications with each! She was persistent in seeking help and providing the best for her kids! Read on to hear her story!

I’m a momma of 4 precious babies (6, 4, 3, and 7 months) and my breastfeeding journey started back in 2014 with my oldest daughter. I had her in July of 2014 with the full intention to have the most magical breastfeeding journey. Well in the hospital I had a very hard time getting her to latch and when we came home I struggled and cried A LOT wondering what was wrong with me that I couldn’t get her to latch. I ended up nursing her with a shield and worked with a lactation consultant but nothing was getting better. She then refused to nurse without the shield, refused every bottle and sippy cup. She was considered failure to thrive at 6 months old and I felt like the one thing that I should have been able to do I failed at. We were in feeding therapy and it was a very difficult year. 

breastfeeding with Buccal Ties

Then came my second daughter....I was so determined to nurse her successfully without a shield. Again she couldn’t latch and by 12 weeks in I had gotten mastitis 3 times and thrush twice. The worst case of thrush my pediatrician and lactation consultant had ever seen! They sent me to another lactation consultant who diagnosed her with a tongue and lip tie. We had her revised and I successfully nursed her for 15 months. 

My third daughter was born and I saw my amazing lactation consultant when she was 5 days old and she was diagnosed with tongue, lip, and buccal ties. She successfully nursed and unlike my other two girls who were little string beans she was CHUNKY!! I had never felt so successful and like my persistence paid off. 

breastfeeding with Buccal Ties

We had our fourth and final baby in May of this year. Our little boy and again he was also diagnosed with tongue and lip tie where we revised the day after he was born. He is a thriving, chunky, happy baby. I’m hoping to nurse him as long as he allows me but I couldn’t think of a better way to honor my journey then to preserve my milk that I fought so extremely hard for. I also now work for the lactation consultant who helped me with my babies. I absolutely adore her and I'm so thankful for her! 

To my new mom friends I tell them breastfeeding is the most unnatural natural thing you’ll ever do in your life! It’s so beautiful but the journey doesn’t go without bumps in the road. I will treasure this ring forever!

breastfeeding with Buccal Ties

What do you think about Courtney’s story? We think she did awesome at finding help and then later on working to help others! Thanks for sharing Courtney!

Would you like to share your breastfeeding story our blog? Submit it here!